
CALL Literary Reaction Journal 5

Reaction to Peter Rabbit

I Summary
  The story which  I tried to summarized and react is "Peter Rabbit." Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits. Their name is Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter. They lived their mother. One morning, their mother said them " don't go into Mr. McGregor's garden." And she went out. Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail went to gather blackberries. But Peter went to Mr. McGregor's garden. Then Peter was found by him and was run after. But Peter's blue jacket and shoes lost, he could get away from Mr. McGregor.


1. Protagonist
 A protagonist of this story is Peter. In contrast with other sisters, he is naughty, likes mischief.
 Peter is full of curious and challenge everything. It is good point.

2. Genre
 It is childrem's literature. In this story, various animals such as rabbits, white cat and mouse appear adn they speak. I think that interest and cuteness are felt by viewpoint from animals.

3. Denouement
 The last of this story, Peter drank the camomile tea which his mother made because Peter was unwell. But other sisters had bread, milk, and blackberries. I think Peter paid for it.

4.General opinion
 Although Peter is naughty, I think he is pretty.  I want to read other series. 


CALL Literary Reaction Journal 4

Reaction to The Happy Prince

I. Summary
 The story which I tried to summarize and react is "The Happy Prince." The statue of the Happy Prince that he gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold and had bright sapphire eyes and had sword a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt stood on tall column. He was very much admired by people of the city. One day, Swallow came over to him. Then he asked the Swallow to bring her the ruby out of his sword-hilt for a mother and her son. The mother worked as a seamstress and her son was lying ill. In this way, he ask the Swallow to bring a part of his body for poor people. The statue of the Happy Prince became shabby. One day when it began to snow, the Swallow fell down dead at his feet in cold. Then, he was melted in a furnace, but his broken lead heart didn't melt.


1. Protagonist
 A protagonist of this story is the Happy Prince. He was admired by people and sacrificed himself for people who are troubled. But, I think he didn't help by himself. Although he noticed people who are troubled, he couldn't help them without the Swallow. A protagonist of this story is the Happy Prince. But I think the Swallow play an important role almost as same as him.

2. Motif
 I think it is kindness to make something for people. It is important for us to know to make something for people, but we can't readily do it. The Happy Prince can do it as a matter of course. Is there anything I can do for people? I am thought about it once more.

3. Denouement
 A denouement of this story was sad, but I had warm feeling at the same time. Because I thought to touch on their love for people who are troubled.

4. General opinion
 I think the Happy Prince is wonderful. And the Swallow is wonderful, too. The Happy Prince sacrificed himself for people, the Swallow sacrificed itself for the prince. I'm thought importance to make something for person.


CALL Literary Reaction Journal 3

Reaction to Live and Work

I. Summary
The story which I tried to summarize and react is "Live and Work" which STEPHEN submitted in 2008. The father had his wife and three children. The father overworked for his family. The family told him that want more spending time together, but he said for the family. He continued working hard, he was promoted steadily. Then he hired a maid for his wife and bought new house. On the first Sunday evening at their new house, he declared that he was no longer  promoted. And he was going to devote more time for his family. Unfortunately, the father didn't wake up the next day.

(私が要約し、反応しようとした物語は、2008年に投稿されたSTEPHENの「Live and Work」です。

II. Reaction

1. Theme
The theme of this story is balance of time for work and for family. It is important to work to support a family. However, at the same time, it is important to spend time for a family. In the case of this father,  overworked for his family. These two balance was too much lean.


The main character is father. He was hardworking. His thought for family is very big. But, it is expressed in different form.


Appeal of this story is father's love for his family. At the same time, we are thought about the ideal method of the family. We are thought balance of time for work and for family once more.


4.General opinion
I thought about the importance of family. Although he decided to spend more time for his family at the end, he didn't wake up the next day. It would be the thing that was sad for not only his family but also him. I thought it is a unexpected conclusion.



CALL Literary Reaction Journal 2

Reaction to A Red, Red Rose


The poem I chose to summarize and react to is A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns.The type of this poem seems to be lyric poety because it seems to write about love. And this writer says good-bye to beloved person, but, on the other hand, promise her to meet again.


You(=beloved person)

Theme of this poem is love. I can understand size of the love of this writer by "my Luve" and "my dear" being used many times.

"Like a red, red rose" and " like the melodie" are simile. This writer compare the beloved person to a beautiful thing. By using this simile, this writer's love is emphasized.

4.General opinion
I felt this writer loved her very much. Therefore, I thought it was sad that he must say good-bye to her. But I thought it was splendid that he promised her to meet again and to compare her to beautiful words.